Save time and costs
White has become increasingly important in water-based decor gravure printing in recent years – be it for high-opacity, spot overprinting on the decor design or for producing unicolor designs on decor paper. ARCOLOR provides a solution with high-quality products for all of these applications.
Titanium dioxide is used as the pigment. Due to its high density of 3.6 g/cm³, it generally settles in a water-based matrix over time. Years ago, ARCOLOR succeeded in stabilizing this matrix to such an extent that settling takes place much later. Another advantage is that our products do not form blockages when they settle, but are present as finely dispersed sediments instead. They can therefore be stirred without problems to make them usable to the customer again. These products are also used worldwide by our customers, despite long transport distances or storage times at customer locations.
Another advantage stands out from the point of view of the decor printer: The adhesion of the pigment is very pronounced. This means that the product does not become “chalky” after printing, and no major deposits on turning cylinders or dust accumulation on the printing machine occur. This in turn saves time and money for cleaning and change over.